I deleted my social media...

I deleted my social media...Taylor Aller RMT Speaker

So...I gotta tell you something.

I deleted all my social media apps. 

All of them. (I only had two, but hey--it sounds dramatic and I kinda like it LOL!)
I deleted Instagram and Facebook off my phone.

And I’m going to write about the journey here and update it as we go:

2 Days In:

It’s been two whole days now.

And I gotta tell ya, I already feel about 45% better. I have a feeling that number is going to grow and grow as each day passes. I wanna tell you why I deleted them and why I feel so much better, if that’s okay with you. 

Here goes:

I deleted the apps because, over the August long weekend, I didn’t pick up my phone much. Nothing new there, I try to be cognizant of being on my phone vs being present (and I think you do, too right?) and I found that I felt a whole lot better when I wasn’t nose deep in my phone.

Nothing surprising there.

What did surprise me was this:

There was one occasion I picked up my phone, smiling and laughing leaving Cultus Lake waterpark (Jake and I spent the day there together--I highly recommend it! SO FUN. Anywho). On the way home I picked up my phone and did a quick story because Spice Girls was playing in the car and I was feeling SO happy from the day with my hubs and the slides, like a 9.9/10. I hadn’t been on my phone that day at all, so after I recorded a couple of stories I started to scroll…

Dum dum dum…

As I’m sure you can guess, my mood started to shift.

I started (subconsciously) comparing my wonderful, easy, fun day at the water park with other people’s posts and stories about their cabins, boating, travels, and kiddos. I felt like a balloon filled to the brim (y’know -- so full that it would squeak with joy if you ran a finger along it?) and as soon as the scrolling started, me as a balloon started to deflate with a slow “sssss….”.

I didn’t notice how much time had passed being on my phone comparing my life to others (for no good reason, might I add. I know, I know--not good) and when I surfaced, I was at a like 4/10 and plummeting fast.

‘Cause here’s the thing, comparison is the thief of joy. And the most vulnerable emotion, according to my she-hero Brene Brown, is Joy.

In that moment of true joy, I went and did something that I know I shouldn’t do. I didn’t intend to do it. It kinda snuck up on me, y’know? And in that moment when I surfaced from social media and started to get irritated at Jake and the drive home. I started to resent not having a boat or a cabin, or heck even kiddos. And it stopped me in my tracks--

I don’t like who I am when I use social media. I like “me” better without it.

When I’m running up the stairs to catch the next slide at the water park.

Or when I’m doing the Spice Girls “stop right now, thank you very much” dance in the car. (Puh-leeease tell me you know that dance by heart, too!)

Or when I’m reading or snacking or admiring the sunset on our drive home.

I like that Taylor much, much better.

So...I decided to take action.

Since it’s hard for me to use social media without comparison in this season, I’m deciding not to use it at all.

I’m not saying that social media is evil or anything, but I am saying that it’s not healthy for me. It doesn’t allow me to be the best version of myself. So I’m cutting it out as an experiment to see how it goes.

And so far...so amazing.

I can't wait to share the reasons (to date) why I love it. Friend, can I keep you posted on the findings as I go?

Cause here’s the thing. 

Now that I’m not on social media (and loving it) I want to still be able to connect with you.

I want to be able to share my heart and hear from you. I want to actually chat with you and not just “stay posted” on what you share on the ‘gram. I want to talk with you about your life, your relationships, your struggles, and your wins.

And I think the perfect place to do that--is on email!

What do you think? You up for it? Leave your info here and we can keep in touch! If you’re not sure yet, it’s okay, no pressure.

Scope the blog for updates on this social media free journey!